About Joann Farías

I am a writer and theatre artist based in Seattle, Washington, with liberal abscondings to New York, mostly, though I am planning on knocking about the world some more.

My plays have been performed in some fashion — usually readings but occasionally full productions -- at Teatro Milagro, South Coast Rep, Live Girls! Theater, Houston Grand Opera, Opera Idaho, San Francisco Opera, Northwest Playwrights Alliance, A Contemporary Theatre, FringeACT, Richard Hugo House, Shoestring Radio Theatre, Jack Straw, New Waves Radio Theatre, and KUOW, to name a few. I have won many prizes and grants, including a national grant with the National Endowment for the Arts, have taught at all levels in many venues, and have about twenty works of art to my name. Literary work has been published in The Amherst Review, The North Carolina Review, and Dialogue, among others. Most of this stuff took place before 2010 when my parents started to get sick and pass away and my world exploded in the sort of free-floating midlife apocalypse familiar to anyone who has spent a few decades on the planet. Hence the need for a fresh start.

In the real world, I am a CNA (nurse’s aid) and have worked in both facility and home care settings. In my underfunded spare time, in addition to arts event reviews, I am refitting an old sailboat as a way into writing some maritime characters and lollygagging about on the Puget Sound, my ancestral home; gadding about in online writing; and inching back toward performance art type stuff.

My New Play Exchange Profile can be found at: https://newplayexchange.org/users/73313/joann-farias

My sailboat refit blog can be found at http://www.friothusibu.com/

© Joann Farias 2024